
Showing posts from October, 2014

Insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results.".....Albert Einstein

By Einstein's definition, it would seem we are all insane.  History repeats itself and so do human beings.  Comfortable with the status quo, we have a difficult time anticipating change.  So we continue to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results.  Whether it relates to personal or professional relationships no one truly wishes to see change come about even though change is typically a positive growth period.   Once change has come into our lives, after the anticipation is over, we usually find that change is a good thing.  There are always exceptions to the rule... This blog will be about life in general and my life.  The things I've learned over the past half of a century and things that I think may interest somebody. There will be good and bad, hopefully the bad did or will bring about positive changes. Any posts that have to do with the dark side of real life will be there in hopes of helping just one person deal with something that they have bur

What is Sanity?

Depending on one's perception of sanity, there are various definitions. After all, I believe that I am sane, while many others think I'm crazy.  Let's  chat about that for a minute. It has been my experience that most human beings have alittle bit of crazy in them especially when they are pushed beyond their limits.  Fear, anger, grieving, traumatic events and even sadness and depression can all trigger moments of craziness. It is what some call temporary insanity.  As a survivor (We will discuss that later) with 30+ years of post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, there have been those moments when the mind can empathize with those who have lost it for a minute and have "Gone postal".  There was a time when my mind would wonder what these people were thinking, I could not even wrap my head around any possible 'sane' or so called normal reasons for their actions.  To clarify, I am not saying that I would ever 'go postal', it is only a deeper un